Pool Deck Coating Care, Mesa AZ


Amazon Coatings, LLC, Mesa, AZ:  Summer's heat is here and that means it's time to hit the swimming pool!  Hose off that swimming pool deck coating and do a quick inspection. Do you have cracks that need to be repaired?  Is the deck coating stained?  Are there areas where the coating is starting to peel or flake off?  With just a minimal amount of maintenance, you can extend the life of your pool coating and help alleviate costly future repairs and go along way to keep your deck cool!

Cleaning / Maintenance Recommendations:

  • Wipe up food, oils or drink spillage to avoid staining.
  • Immediately remove fertilizer or pool chemicals.
  • Elevate plant pots to prevent stain ring.
  • Occasionally hose off deck with a high-pressure nozzle to prevent dirt and stains from being ground into the surface.

If your pool deck is in need of cleaning, sealing or repair, give us a call today for a free estimate.  Don't start off your summer swimming season with an ugly pool deck.  We're here to help!  Amazon Coatings has provided decorative concrete coatings to the Phoenix Valley since 2001. Give us a call TODAY.... 480-890-1141.  You can also check out our website at www.amazoncoatings.com.

Remember, stay safe AND cool in your pool!